Adult Agencies and Organizations 

Transition Topics

Help with Transition

There are two types of supports involved in helping families with their student's transition to adulthood - those inside of school and those outside of school. 

Inside schools, teachers begin actively working on transition plans when students turn 14 years old.  Working with parent and student, teachers update the proposal for the transition plan as they annually develop the proposed IEP/504.  IEP/504 Meetings become a time for the team to review, refine, and improve them as more is learned about the student, their abilities, and the possibilities.  

Outside of school, agencies and organizations can become teammates involved with students at different times during a student's education.  However, parents & guardians must reach out and apply for their services.  This is why we maintain our Agencies & Organizations page and list of Agencies & Organizations Supporting Transition to Adulthood (with recommended ages to initiate services) in our Transition information.  As students are connected with agencies, parents may want and request them to attend their student's IEP.

Again, Parents & Guardians Must Reach Out And Apply For Services.

Please Look At The Agencies & Organizations Information And Contact Them. 

The most successful transitions involve the agencies and organizations working with the student before they finish school and engage their supports without any delays after aging out or graduation. The desire is to help them into employment, post-secondary education, and independent living seamlessly. 

This is why Davis School District sponsors an annual DSD 504 & Special Education Transition to Adulthood Fair -
a night to meet many agencies and organizations in one place at one time. Please select the link and learn more about this.

2024 DSD Transition Fair

Thursday, March 7, 2024, 5-8 p.m.
Weber State University Layton Campus Stewart Center - Building D-3

Last year we had 450 families represented to find more information and help for their students. 
We are making room for even more this year! 

From the feedback we received about the evening - 
Overall Satisfaction with the Evenings Event - 75% Very Satisfied, 20% Satisfied 
Value of the Information - 68% Very Satisfied, 28% Satisfied.
For 86% of the people, this was their first time! Those who come multiple times find it helps the most.
Come and find out more!

Please Pre-Register now and get information, receive updates along the way,and be entered for prizes!


 If you have questions, people, or organizations to suggest for our next Transition Fair, please Email J. Gordon.