K-12 World Languages Specialist
Dual Language Immersion Programs
Email Jo Carmiol
Elementary Dual Language Immersion
Why Immersion?

What is Dual Language Immersion?
Utah Dual Language Immersion Program uses a fifty-fifty model, in which students spend half of their school day in the target language and the other half-day in English. Most of the state’s programs begin in 1st grade. All state-sponsored schools with Dual Language Immersion programs are required to implement the fifty-fifty model and use two teachers, one who instructs exclusively in the target language for half of the day and a second who teaches in English for the remainder of the day.
From first through third grade, the target language curriculum includes literacy study and the majority of the content subjects (math, science, and social studies). The English curriculum focuses on English language arts and some collaborative reinforcement of the content. Teamwork is essential! The curriculum shifts in the fourth and fifth grades, as most conceptual instruction in math and social science is taught in English. Practical application of these subjects remains in the target language. In the sixth grade, social science shifts back to the target language and science shifts to English instruction. These curriculum changes in the upper grades purposefully allow for more instruction time in the target language, focusing on literacy study and increasing student proficiencies. Specific proficiency goals for every Dual Language Immersion language are set at each grade level in all areas: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
The Utah Dual Language Immersion Program then offers one course in grades seven through nine. Participating students are expected to enroll in Advanced Placement language coursework and complete the AP exam in either the ninth or tenth grade. In grades ten or eleven through twelve, students will be offered upper division university-level coursework through blending learning with six major Utah universities.
The Benefits of Dual Language Immersion
1. Second Language Skills: Students achieve high proficiency in the immersion language.
2. Performance on Standardized Tests: Immersion students perform as well as or better than non-immersion students on standardized tests in English.
3. Cognitive Skills: Immersion students typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention control, better memory, and superior problem-solving skills as well as an enhanced understanding of their primary language.
4. Cultural Competency: Immersion students are more aware of and generally show more positive attitudes towards other cultures & an appreciation of other people.
5. Long Term Benefits: Immersion students are better prepared for the global community and job markets where 21st century skills are an asset.
Immersion Schools
Davis School District school boundaries and this feeder pattern are subject to change periodically as we adjust for population changes and the opening of new schools
Spanish Schools
Buffalo Point Elementary 1st-6th
1924 S Doral Drive
Principal: Ryan VanNatter
Canyon Creek Elementary 1st-6th
755 S 1100 W
Principal: Julie Ferreira
Eagle Bay Elementary 1st -6th
1933 W Clark Lane
Principal: Cat Pomeroy
Lincoln Elementary 1st-6th
591 W Antelope Drive
Principal: Regina Oechsle
Sand Springs Elementary 1st-6th
242 N 3200 W
Principal: Kim Johnston
Chinese Schools
Heritage Elementary 1st-6th
1354 Weaver Lane
Principal: Heather Gross
2275 S Davis Blvd
Principal: Mike Volmar
Stewart Elementary 1st-6th
1155 N Main Street
Principal: Michelle Yoho
Syracuse Elementary 1st-6th
1503 S 2000 W
Principal: Doug Hammerschmidt
French Schools
Foxboro Elementary 1st-6th
587 N Foxboro Drive
North Salt Lake
Principal: Shelly Truelson
Morgan Elementary 1st-6th
1065 Thornfield Road
Principal: Meggan Nichols
Odyssey Elementary 2nd-6th
2050 S 1955 W
Woods Cross
Principal: Kristy Carson
DLI School Feeder Pattern and State Model Pathway

Many people have asked questions about the dual Language Immersion program in the Davis School District. To help ensure that correct information is being shared in the community, please refer to the answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.

The AAPPL assessment is administered to most of our Dual Language Immersion students each May. This test is provided to every student in the Dual Immersion program according to their level of instruction.
The AAPPL Measure assesses the following modes of communication:
Interpersonal Listening/Speaking
Presentational Writing
Interpretive Reading and Listening
Additional information
Once you receive notification of program acceptance, your DLI school will contact you about the needed forms to complete the registration process.
The below link is ONLY for students wishing to join a district DLI program this school year (mid-year requests)