Fine Arts

Banner Davis Fine Arts: Developing Phenomenal Humans

Secondary Fine Arts

DESK Standards

The DESK Standards identify the essential skills and knowledge for each of the fine arts courses.  They are the focus of instruction and learning in Davis School District fine arts classrooms.

Priority Standards clearly define the essential skills for each course.  These skills are taught and practiced through the study of the course content identified in the Utah State Board of Education Fine Arts Standards.

Graduation Requirements

1.5 units of credit (3 semesters) of Fine Arts courses are required for graduation.  These credits must be earned in grades 9-12.  Any Fine Arts course will fulfill these requirements. 

Additionally, 8.5 units of Elective Credit are required for graduation and all Fine Arts courses can be used to fulfill these requirements. 

Davis Youth Philharmonic/Orchestra

Davis Youth Symphony Organization

Information about Davis Youth Orchestra and Davis Youth Philharmonic can now be found on our Canvas Page. 

Audition material, and information are located here. 

Davis Jazz Messengers

Davis Jazz Messengers Auditions will be held at Woods Cross High School in the band room.

Audition materials

For additional information please email Todd Campbell or Heath Wolf for any questions.

Professional Organizations

Utah professional organizations

We are fortunate to have a wonderful arts Professional Outreach Program sponsored by the Utah State Legislature and managed by the Utah State Board of Education. Click on the link to learn more.

About Us/Contact

Shanda Stenger

Shanda Stenger

Fine Arts Supervisor

Email Shanda Stenger

801-402-5104 (office)

Shanda Stenger graduated from Snow College and then the University of Utah in Music Education. She has participated in each of the areas of Fine Arts. She joined the Teaching and Learning Department in 2017.

Fine Arts are vital for the whole child student education experience. 

Charlotte Snider

Charlotte Snider

Administrative Assistant

Email Charlotte Snider


Charley is a graduate of Davis High School and began working for Davis School District, at Morgan Elementary in Kaysville, in 2005.  She joined the Teaching and Learning Department in 2019.