Library Materials Review

DSD School Library Media Policy (Sept. 6, 2023)This policy outlines the procedures for school libraries in the Davis School District.

Request Sensitive Materials Review
If a parent, student, staff member, or board member with standing feels that a specific library material contains sensitive material, they may request that the material be considered for removal. (4I-202 School Library Media Centers, Section 3)

Appeal Sensitive Material Decision (click here)

  • Appeals are for titles that have been retained or removed from the Davis School District.

  • The original requester or another individual with standing may appeal the decision of the review committee.

  • The appeal must be submitted within 30-school days of the date of when the decision to retain or remove was posted to this website.

  • An appeal must state how the rational or outcome of the review process violates policy or clearly articulate why a further review of the material in question is justified. (4I-202 School Library Media Centers, Section 4.7)

Public Comments

Please submit comments for a specific title that is currently under review, where a decision to retain or remove has not yet been made.  Please submit your comments here: Sensitive Materials Public Comments 

Please include:

The title and author and comments specific to Sensitive Instructional Materials 53G-10-103