Appeals Process
Appeal Rights
You have a right to appeal a determination. All appeals must be submitted in writing to Lynsay Larson, Paralegal of the OEO office at within ten (10) business days of receiving a Notice of Conclusion. Please explain the specific basis for your appeal from Policy 11IR-100, and explain your reasons using one or more of the following:
misstatements of fact or failure to include relevant facts that improperly impacted factual findings;
newly discovered evidence that was not reasonably available to the parties during the investigation;
procedural irregularity that affected the outcome; or
bias of OEO personnel or District or school employee that affected the outcome of the matter.
Once received, the appeal will be reviewed by an Appeals Panel which may do any of the following after reviewing the appeal: (1) send the investigation report back for further investigation; (2) reverse the determination of whether there was a policy violation; (3) uphold the OEO findings and remedial/disciplinary measures; or (4) amend disciplinary or remedial measures. Within five (5) business days of the Appeals Panel discussing the case, the Appeals Panel will issue its decision on the appeal in writing.
All decisions will be final.