I am Deaf or Hard of Hearing

If you are deaf or hard of hearing, there are several accessibility features available to you.

Accessibility features

    volume control
    all information and alerts conveyed via audio are also conveyed visually

Volume control

  •     click the Start button

  •     click Control Panel

  •     click Hardware and Sound

  •     click Adjust System Volume

  •     use the volume control to increase or decrease sound to the desired level


A text transcript is a text equivalent of audio information that includes spoken words and non-spoken sounds such as sound effects.


A caption is a transcript for the audio track of a video presentation that is synchronized with the video and audio tracks. Captions are generally rendered visually by being superimposed over the video, which benefits people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, and anyone who cannot hear the audio (e.g., when in a crowded room.)

The following information explains how to use captioning for video on demand and for both live and recorded webinars.

For video on demand, click the link to start the video playing. Next, click on the Closed Captioning (CC) button to activate the captioning feature.

For some videos and webinars, open captions are used. In these cases, the captioning feature cannot be turned off.

The Windows Media Player is required for online video content. If this media player is already installed on your computer, the player will come up automatically. If you do not have the player, it can be downloaded here:
Microsoft Media Player Download.