There are two ways in which Davis School District receives money from Medicaid.  Medicaid Time Study and Medicaid Reimbursement (Service Tracking.)  If you are looking for information on Medicaid Time Study, please click on Medicaid Time Study on the left menu.

Medicaid Basics

Welcome to Medicaid Reimbursement and Tracking!

Medicaid allows school districts to seek reimbursement for services performed that are Medicaid eligible.  For the district to seek reimbursement, the following criteria must be met

  • The student must have a current IEP.

  • The school district must obtain parent permission to seek reimbursement.

  • The student must have eligible related and, in some cases, special educational services on the IEP.

  • The services must be delivered or supervised by qualified personnel.

  • The school district must have documentation proving the services were delivered.

Current IEP

Districts cannot seek reimbursement for services provided during any time period for which the student does not have a current IEP.  If the district receives reimbursement for any services provided with out a current IEP, the district will need to pay back any received funds. School teams need to make sure all timelines are met concerning eligibility and IEPs.

When using the Davis School District Service Tracking systems, personnel will not have access to a student whose eligibility or IEP has lapsed.

Parent Permission

Parent permission to seek Medicaid reimbursement is gained either by a paper copy or electronically through MyDSD.  Paper copies are used in preschool or if the parents of a school age student does not use MyDSD.  After the document is signed indicating the parents choice it is sent to the district special education office.  If you are the case manager of a school age student, you may receive an email asking for help by either notifying the parents that there are documents to sign when they log in, or by sending a paper copy home.

Eligible Related Services on the IEP

The main service types that districts can be reimbursed for are: Evaluation and Assessment, Motor Skills Development, Communication Skills Development, Nursing services, Personal Care Services, Behavior Health Services, and Vision and Hearing Adaptation Services.  Do not use these service type as the service title on the IEP.  The majority of these services will be a related service, there are times when a special education service is Medicaid eligible.  This occurs when the student only has one type of services on the IEP such as a student who only receives speech services, vision services, hearing services, or when there are only Behavioral Health services addressed on the IEP.

For more information on Medicaid Eligible services please see the Teacher or Related Server tab.

Services Delivered or Supervised by Qualified Personnel

In order to be reimbursed for Medicaid eligible services the service must be delivered in person or by Telemedicine. These services must be delivered or supervised by professionals who have the right credential for that service type. 

For more information on who can supervise each service please see the Teacher or Related Server tab.


Any district that receives money from Medicaid is expected to document these services and maintain the documentation for 5 years.  Medicaid audits the districts for proof of services.  If the districts documentation does not meet Medicaid criteria the money must be returned.  If frequent errors are found Medicaid has the right to audit every student.  The documentation needs to reflect: the type of service rendered, the amount of time rendering the service, the provider and supervisor, the signature of provider and supervisor (can be digital), clinical documentation or the activities performed and how the service was rendered.

Davis School District has developed a Service Tracking Tool through Encore.  For more information on how to use this tool please see the Teacher or Related Server tab.


Related Servers

List of changes in 23-24 school year

Billing codes have been added to the Service Tracking tool.  There are only two codes per service, one for working with individuals and one for working in a group.

Some services do not allow group service such as personal care.
