Moving to Full-Time
For Classified Employees
Congratulations! You have accepted a full-time position!
(A full-time position is considered 6 hours a day or more - 30 hours a week).
Table 9, Support Salary Table, Classified Employees -->
What can I expect when I transfer to a full-time position?
When you move from a part-time to a full-time position, there are several things that will occur.
As a part-time employee you were paid as you worked. Your pay period ran from the 16th of the previous month to the 15th of the current, and you were paid the last business day of the month. (Example: 11/16/2024-12-15/2024 and paid on 12/31/2024).
Now, as a full-time employee, your pay will run from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. Pay day will be the same--the last business day of each month.
You will be moved to a 12-month salary cycle and your pay will be divided equally over the months remaining in your contract. You will receive summer checks if you hadn't before. All full-time employees are on a 12-month salary cycle.
257 day employees will be on a pay cycle of July - June.
Everyone else the pay cycle will be August-July.
Lastly, you will now be benefit eligible - retirement, insurance, and leave. (Insurance and retirement will send information separately. Be sure to watch for that. You can also review the retirement and insurance pages).
How is my full-time pay calculated?
One frequently asked question asked is, "My pay does not match the hours on my timesheet?"
This is correct. In the examples below, hopefully it will help you to understand why. In short, the formula for calculating full-time pay is as follows:
hourly rate x daily hours = daily rate
daily rate x contract days = yearly pay
yearly pay / months left to work = monthly pay
With this calculation, your pay remains the same each month (minus extra duty, stipends, etc...) regardless of holiday or summer breaks. Roughly, you are paid 2/3rds of what you work each month. The other 1/3rd helps cover shorter and summer months.
Example 1 (full contract/257 day):
Using Table 9 from above, if John Smith were to transfer to a full-time General Custodian position at the beginning of the school year (7/1/2024), John would be on Grade 5 on the salary table .
If John's new Grade and Step are Grade 5 Step 3, Blue is now John's current hourly rate -->
Using the formula from above, this would be John's monthly pay:
18.37 x 8 hrs = $146.96 daily rate
146.96 x 257 days = $37,768.72 year
37,768.72 / 12 months = $3,147.39 monthly
(July-June pay cycle)
Example 2 (full contract/174 day):
Using table 9 from above, if Jane Snow were to transfer to a Special Ed Teacher Asst position at the beginning of the school year, Jane would move to Grade 7 on the salary table.
If Jane's new Grade and Step are Grade 7 Step 1, Blue is now Jane's current hourly rate -->
Using the formula from above, this would be Jane's monthly pay:
19.40 x 6.5 hrs = $126.10 daily rate
126.10 x 174 days = $21,941.40 year
21,941.40 / 12 months = $1,828.45 monthly
(August-July pay cycle)
Example 3 (starting late on a 174 day contract):
Using table 9 from above, if Jane Snow were to transfer to a Special Ed Teacher Asst position on 10/01/2024, Jane would move to Grade 7 on the salary table.
If Jane's new Grade and Step are Grade 7 Step 1, Blue is now Jane's current hourly rate -->
But there would only be 130 contract days left for John to work.
Using the formula from above, this would be Jane's monthly pay:
19.40 x 6.5 hrs = $126.10 daily rate
126.10 x 130 days = $16,393.00 year
16,393.00 / 9 months = $1,821.44 monthly
(Oct-July pay cycle for first year)
Example 4 (starting late on a 257 day contract):
Using Table 9 from above, if John Smith were to transfer to a full-time General Custodian position on 8/13/2024, John would be on Grade 5 on the salary table .
If John's new Grade and Step are Grade 5 Step 3, Blue is now John's current hourly rate -->
But there would only be 227 contract days left for John to work.
This calculation is done slightly different, modifying the above formula a bit.
Using the formula from above (with a slight adaption), this would be John's monthly pay:
18.37 x 8 hrs = $146.96 daily rate
146.96 x 257 days = $37,768.72 year
37,768.72 / 12 months = $3,147.39 monthly
Here is where we modify it:
10 months @ $3,147.39 (Sep-June) = $31,473.90
John worked 14 days in August
14 x 146.96 = $2,057.44 August pay
Total yearly pay: $33,531.34
(Pay cycle for first year)
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