Office Manager/Secretary Information

Office Manager : A vital and compassionate organizer who ensures the smooth operation of the school, supporting staff, students, parents, AND PAYROLL (insert winky face) with efficiency and kindness, creating a welcoming and orderly environment that fosters a sense of community and care.


Travel Time For Non-Exempt Classified Employees

Information is provided below regarding different types of pay while traveling. Regardless of the type of travel, please note: Communicate the rules to the employee prior to the trip to avoid misunderstandings.

· Use the same time zone when figuring travel hours to avoid confusion.
· Paid travel time is counted toward regular work hours and is subject to overtime rules.
· NEVER ask or allow a non-exempt classified employee to work or travel and not report  payable time.

"Davis School District provides for oversight and efficient use of public and private funds"


  • Provide internal and external oversight.

  • Provide ongoing training in fiscal management.

  • Operate finances with transparency.

  • Align fiscal resources with Board goals.