Parent Resources
Child Find Notice
Davis School District is responsible for Child Find identification and evaluation for all students suspected of having a disability residing in Davis County. This includes children (birth through 21 years of age) who are in public schools, private schools, are being home schooled, are preschoolers (birth to five years) and are in need of an evaluation for possible special education or early intervention services. Early identification and intervention may be essential to your child’s development.
If your child is having significant difficulty with vision, hearing, speech, behavior, is experiencing slow development typical for his/her age, physical development or learning difficulty, he/she may be a child with a disability that requires specialized instruction through special education. If you suspect that your school age child may have a disability, please contact your neighborhood school principal or special education department at 801-402-5169.
If your child’s age is birth to three years or three to five years, contact the Davis Early Learning Center at 801-402-5413.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act - This law gives eligible children with disabilities the right to receive special services and assistance in school.
Special Education Special Needs Scholarship Grants
We are required by Utah Code Section 53A-1a-704(10) to inform you, if you are a parent of a student with an IEP enrolled in a public school, of the availability of scholarships to attend a private school through the Carson Smith Special Needs Scholarship or the Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship Programs. Further information is available at, Special Needs Scholarship Grants (
Utah Parent Center:
Utah Parent Center Website: The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC or Center) is to help parents help their children, youth and young adults with all disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community. We accomplish our mission by providing accurate information, empathetic peer support, valuable training and effective advocacy based on the concept of parents helping parents. View Utah Parent Center's website to learn more about the resources available.
If your child has special needs, so do you! The parent consultant serving families in Davis School District offers:
These services are offered to parents and professionals through the provision of one-on-one consultations, group workshops and presentations.
Emily can help you by:
Providing a free, private consultation in-person or over the phone regarding questions or concerns about the special education process.
Providing information on the IEP process and your rights and responsibilities under IDEA.
Helping you prepare for IEP meetings and providing support during IEP meetings.
Connecting you to resources and supports in your community.
Providing workshops on the impact of having a student with special needs in your family.
Information about: Section 504 and IEP process, early transition, transition to adult life, communication and disability specific concerns.
All services provided are free and confidential. No information will be released without your consent.
DSD Translation and Interpretation Services - Website
Other Parent Resources
The sites listed on this page are for information purposes only. The Davis School District is not responsible for the content of the pages or the links they lead to. Parental Procedural Safeguards
General Information about Students with Disabilities
Cerebral Palsy Resources | |
(There is some great educational information on these sites for parent but be aware that the content may lead users and families into the medical lawsuit marketing for a particular law firm. As a taxpayer funded organization, Davis school district does not endorse any specific law firms.)Non-DSD Resource: Guide to Vehicle Modifications
Non-DSD Resource: Special Needs Grants
Non-DSD Resource: Accessible Home Checklist
Intellectual Disabilities
Specific Learning Disabilities
Early Childhood
Behavior Issues
Special Needs Scholarship Program
Information for Parents and Medical Professionals
Letter (.pdf) information medical professionals can provide to assist special education and 504 teams to support eligibility determination and IEP development procedures. This letter is not a prescription. Some eligibility decisions require medical history and information. In the course of best practice, Davis School District cooperates with medical providers to gather this information when possible. Davis School District is able to conduct necessary evaluation and does not require students to see medical professionals to identify a student's educational needs.
Frequently Asked Questions About Special Education And 504 Plans. (.pdf)