PIE - Guidelines and Procedures

The PIE is an internal tool which Davis School District education professionals use to reference and access clearly define guidelines and procedures for special education.  The information found on the PIE Folder is written for internal use only.  If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact the special education office at 801-402-5399.

 How DSD Special Educators and Administrators access PIE 

1. Login to your Office 365 Account at login 

2. Open the OneDrive application inside of Office 365. 

3. Click on the "Shared" folder on the left and side of your screen.   

4. Find the PIE - Guidelines and Procedures folder and click to open. 

For further information, request to access and support, please contact Tom Johnson.

The documents on this website are for employees of Davis School District.  The information contained consists of guidelines and information pertaining to the provision of services for students under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Any other use is unauthorized.