The Utah State Board of Education Youth Suicide Prevention Training for Employees is available through CANVAS. The course takes approximately 2 hours and is comprised of four modules:
Introduction to Suicide in Utah
Background Information on Suicide
Preventing and Responding to Suicide
Postvention as Prevention: How to Respond After a Suicide
Successful completion of this course fulfills the two-hour youth suicide training professional development requirement in accordance with R277-620: Suicide Prevention Programs. Participants are encouraged to print out a copy of the training certificate for their records.
Information about the course: Youth Suicide Prevention Training for Employees
Course Registration and Information:
If you already have a USBE Canvas account, go to Enroll in Suicide Prevention Training 2024-2025.
If you do not have a USBE Canvas account, go to Create a Canvas Account
Steps to Register:
Click on I'm a student.
Enter the Join Code HAFA6F.
Complete the Student Sign Up Form. Check that you agree to the terms, and then click on Start Learning.
Mandatory Training (completed once every three years)
All Davis School District employees are required to complete the following two trainings. Click on the buttons below to access each of the trainings. Employees are responsible for keeping track of their training dates.
The State Legislature has mandated that districts provide all school staff state approved instruction on child abuse as well as recognizing the signs and knowing how to report incidents of human trafficking and exploitation. Educators may access the course through Prevent Child Abuse Utah (PCAU) and print off a certificate of completion and the end of the course. The Youth Concern Reporting form is to be used for Documentation purposes as per DSD policy. Please share this information with faculty and staff. If there is reason to believe that a child may have been subjected to abuse or neglect, an oral report shall be made immediately by the school employee reporting the abuse/neglect with a written report to follow within 24 hours.
Additionally, faculty and staff can learn more preventing and responding to child abuse by accessing the Child Abuse Prevention Training Handbook from the PCAU website.
Please follow this link to create your account. This will take you to our homepage, with a high-level overview of our training.
Select Take the Training, and you will be able to create your account using the email and password of your choice.
To log back in in the future, visit this site and click the Sign In button on the top right-hand corner. Once you have created your account, you will be taken to a course dashboard page. Here, you will see the training course. To return to your dashboard, click the back arrow on the top left of the course page. Training Info
To begin the training, click on the Human Trafficking Prevention Training Course. You will see a Before You Begin page. If you run into issues with the survey, please just move on from that page (it will still contribute to your progress!) Once you complete the training, you will see a certificate populate on the top left and receive an email with a link to download the PDF.
If you have any issues, please feel free to reach out to the 3SGF Utah Implementation email Amanda Taggart
Parent Training
The following are courses intended to inform parents and provide resources to prevent child sexual abuse and human trafficking.
This training teaches parents how to prevent child sexual abuse by identifying grooming behaviors and tactics used by perpetrators. Parents also learn how to respond to disclosures of sexual abuse, in addition to reporting suspected abuse.
Safe UT YouTube Video

"Be kind, for everyone you know is fighting a great battle."
-Greek philosopher Philo of Alexandria
Cyberbullying Information
Social Media Platforms

What is Tik Tok?
Tik Tok is a short-video app that has been growing in popularity over the past couple of years. It started as a popular way for kids and adults to share videos of themselves lip-syncing to their favorite songs. Each video lasts up to 15 seconds, and users can add a variety of filters and effects. They also have the ability to send videos privately among friends or with the general public. Anyone can see public videos, even if they don’t have an account.
Potential concerns with Tik Tok
While meant to be a safe and fun way to share and express ideas and talents, Tik Tok, like most social media platforms, has potential risks that parents should be aware of. Although you can block or report others for inappropriate messages, TikTok has no broader parental controls. While you can set up your own account to private, anyone can still be exposed to sexual or violent content posted to the public feed. The potential for cyberbullying is also a major issue. People can create multiple different accounts, using aliases to target others they don’t like. Cyberbullying can also occur through the “Reactions” feature, which allows users to respond to videos with videos of their own. As with any form of social media or technology, it's important for parents to be aware of any risks that their child may be exposed to and monitor their use and time on social media.
Drugs and Alcohol
Helpful Links:
Helpful Websites:, is a resource provided to you by The Salt Lake Area Gang Project for information about gang prevention and intervention across the Wasatch front. On this website you will find links to resources and information for youth, parents and community members, ways to prevent youth gang involvement, how to get help, and the ability to schedule training and education opportunities

The NGC is an integral component of the Justice Department’s mission to provide innovative leadership in coordination with federal, state, local, and tribal justice systems to prevent and reduce crime.

Send This Instead
The "Send This Instead" App empowers kids, giving them a voice when they are under pressure to send intimate images of themselves online. We asked all the funny people we knew "What would you say if someone asked you to send images you didn't want to?" We took their answers, made posters and developed this app. The posters are witty, sarcastic and meant to help get the point across - using humor as a strategy. Available for free on iTunes App Store and Google Play.