Social Emotional Learning

"Employees and students acquire and effectively apply personal and social attitudes, behaviors, and skills necessary to lead happy and fulfilling lives." -District SEL Vision Statement

SEL in Practice

3 SEL Daily Practices

What is SEL?

SEL Overview

What is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)?

SEL is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to:

  • Understand and manage emotions

  • Set and achieve positive goals

  • Feel and show empathy for others

  • Establish and maintain positive relationships

  • Make responsible decisions

SEL and Davis District Strategic Plan

The Davis School District SEL implementation plan is aligned with the district strategic goals by defining and supporting culture. SEL provides resources to help cultivate adult and student practices that close opportunity gaps and create more inclusive school communities. Davis School District and individual school plans are designed using the CASEL framework in four focus areas: 1) build capacity and foundational support; 2) strengthen adult social and emotional learning; 3) promote student social emotional learning; 4) model continuous improvement. 

District department goals and school improvement plans reflect social and emotional learning through the culture and climate strand in the Davis School District strategic plan. Some plans specifically address SEL in safety and security, student growth and achievement, empowered employees, and parent and community connections. Davis School District has provided tools and guidelines for schools to implement SEL based on their identified needs and reflected in their school-wide goals.

Parent and Family Resources

Parents, families, guardians play a pivotal role in the social-emotional development of children and youth. They can supplement instruction at home and reinforce SEL competencies that students learn at school, increasing the likelihood that students will use strategies in various life settings.  

Harmony at Home

Harmony at Home is an online toolkit for educators, families, and caregivers to teach vital social emotional learning (SEL) skills using the strategies Sanford Programs has developed for classroom teachers.

Play at Home

Play at Home is a playbook for parents/guardians to engage students in pro-social play. It contains instructions, recommended ages, and variations for several activities and games that can be done at home. 

Parent Guide to Resilience

To help families build resilience, WhyTry has developed a guide for parents to build resilience in themselves as well as with their children.  

Happy Successful Teens

This resource can be useful to parents as they help their teens build life skills that bring success in college and their career.

Everyday Strong Resilience

United Way has developed an Everyday Strong Resilience Handbook which can help parents ensure health, safety, connection, and confidence for all students.

Parent Guidance

Parent Guidance offers education and therapeutic support to parents to help empower you in supporting your child’s mental health.

Learning to Breathe

Davis Behavioral Health has an online resource library to guide mindful practices like breathing, listening to your body, and practicing healthy thinking habits.

Home Activities

See linked flyer for some suggestions on family activities that build social emotional skills at home or to participate in DSD SEL Day.

Additional Resources

Mindful Videos

Access several videos and activities that can be used to engage students in mindful movement and practices, for elementary, junior high, and high school students, as well as educators and parents

Intervention Finder

Find intervention ideas for students with challenges in social skills, emotional regulation and other behaviors.

Print Materials

Order the color banner and school header SEL posters from Printing Services.

SEL Posters

Order the Self-Care Commitment Cards from Printing Services, or print your own.

Self-Care Cards

Teacher Toolkit

Elementary Toolkit

Secondary Toolkit

SEL Staff

Devin Healey

Devin Healey

Tiered Supports Coordinator
