Transferring Positions

For Classified Employees

Are you thinking of transferring positions?

If so, there are a couple of things to know before you make that leap.

The first is understanding Table 9, The Support Salary Table (Classified Employees) and your current job placement on that Table -->

To find your current job placement, you will need your latest paystub. On the paystub, look for this similar line -->

Second, is knowing the grade placement of the new position on Table 9. This can be found on the job announcement itself or you can look up the title of new position on pages of 41-46 of the 9CA-Classified Agreement -->

Now that you have those two pieces of information, the third piece of knowledge is understanding the Classified Agreement. According to the 9CA-Classified Agreement , employees promoted to a higher salary lane will be placed on a step that results in a minimum 5% salary increase. (Page 6 section 3.3.4a of the agreement) -->

This is why oftentimes, steps do NOT move straight across with a promotion to a higher grade.

Also, according to the Classified Agreement (Page 6 section 3.3.4b), when employees transfer to a lateral or lower grade, they will be placed on the same step they were on prior to the transfer -->

Example 1 (Promo):

Using the paystub from above, if John Smith were to transfer to a General Custodial position, John would move from Grade 2 to Grade 5 on the salary table -->

Blue is John's current rate.

Pink is John's 5% raise (15.53 x 0.05% = 16.31)*

Grade 5 step 1 is higher than 16.31, so John would be placed on step 1 (Yellow).

* Between each grade on the table equals 5%

Example 2 (Promo):

If Jane Snow were to transfer to an Elem School Facility Manager position, Jane would move from Grade 7 to Grade 9 on the salary table -->

Blue is Jane's current rate.

Pink is Jane's 5% raise (21.13 x 0.05% =22.19)*

Jane would be placed on Grade 9 step 3 (Yellow), giving her the 5% increase.

* Between each grade on the table equals 5%

Example 3 (Lower):

If Jane Snow were to transfer to an Office Asst. position, Jane would move from Grade 6 to Grade 3 on the salary table -->

Blue is Jane's current rate.

Jane would be placed on Grade 3 step 3 (Yellow). She would keep her step but see a decrease in pay.

Example 4 (Moving to a different table):

If Jane Snow were to transfer to a Professional Technician 1 position, Jane would move from Table 9 to The Professional Salary Table 19, Tech 1.

To calculate Jane's new placement, use the formula below:

Blue is Jane's current hourly rate on Table 9. Jane is full-time on a 257 day contract.

29.07 X 8 hours = 232.56 daily rate

232.56 x 257 contracted days = 59,767.92 (This is Jane's total yearly amount in her current position).

59,767.92 X 0.05% = 2,988.40 (5% is the guaranteed promotion per the classified agreement)

62,756.32 is the NEW PAY

Jane would be placed on Tech 1 step 4 (Yellow). -->

She would lose 9 steps, but would receive an increase in pay.

If Jane were to transfer to a Professional Tech 2 position on Table 19, she would be placed on step 1, losing 12 steps, but the yearly amount is significantly higher than the 5% promotion guaranteed, but the lowest step available on that lane (Green).

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