
Athletic Eligibility Information

To try out for any of South Davis Jr. High‘s athletic teams, you must meet the following standards:

  • 2.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) in preceding term. (Cannot be appealed—District Policy)

  • 2.0 CPA (Citizenship Point Average) in preceding term.

  • No F‘s or U‘s in the term preceding tryouts.

  • No outstanding U‘s. All U‘s must be made up to participate.

If you are deficient in one or two of the criteria listed above (Other than GPA), you may submit a letter of appeal to the standards committee prior to try outs. Three or more, you may not appeal.

To remain eligible to participate, you must maintain the standards stated above.

Any student that is planning to tryout for a team needs to have a physical uploaded to Register My Athlete before they can tryout.  If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. West at  Email Mrs. West

Boys' Basketball

Girls' Basketball


To try out to become a South Davis Jr. High Cheerleader, you must meet the following standards:

  • Have 3.0 GPA during each of the terms of the current school year prior to tryouts. (2 criteria)

  • Have 3.0 CPA during each of the terms of the current school year prior to tryouts. (2 criteria)

  • No I/F‘s or U‘s during each of the terms of the current school year prior to tryouts. (2 criteria)

  • No outstanding U‘s. (1 criteria)

If you are deficient in no more than two of the seven criteria listed above, you may submit a letter of appeal to the standards committee 3 days prior to tryouts. Three or more, you may not appeal. Each quarter is viewed as a separate criteria in viewing CPA and GPA.

Cheerleaders must maintain a 3.0 GPA and 3.0 CPA, and have no I/F‘s or U‘s, . Failure to meet these standards will result in probation for one term. A second failure to maintain these standards will result in removal from the squad.

Track and Field

Track & Field Sign-up: If you are certain you want to participate on the track team for 2024, fill out the following:

Track Meet Bus Release Form:

*If you are NOT riding the bus back to South Davis after a meet, the following form must be filled out by a parent/guardian before the end of the meet. This must be filled out for each meet that you are not riding the bus back to South Davis.

Forms & Information for Track & Field

