On December 18, 2025, Davis School District, Hogan Construction and VCBO Architecture celebrated a milestone in the construction of Junior High 18 (now known as Horizon Junior High) in West Point, Utah. The highest point of the school was marked complete by the placement of a Christmas tree 68 feet above ground level. This is known in the world of construction as “Topping Out.”
“Topping out is the last most dangerous piece and you're celebrating the fact that everybody's got that far without any issues,” Hogan Construction Vice President J.D. Forbush said. “It’s a tradition that goes back quite away as far as construction, but it is also from Scandinavia and even Native American folklore."
For the 130 people who are currently at the job site, the work becomes safer. As a congratulations on a job well done, the crew was treated to burgers, dessert and a raffle with big prizes including a DeWalt tool set.
“It's the most rewarding thing in the world to see the things that you drew and concepts and ideas you kicked around for years come into fruition,” VCBO Associate Principal Architect Brian Peterson said. “There's a lot of really cool craftsmen here that are doing a great job and it's cool to see the work that we do as designers.”
Peterson notes the hallmark of the project is a three-story academic block. The design allows for a much smaller site, reducing the school’s footprint.
Hogan construction plans on finishing construction on Horizon Junior High in June of 2025.