Clearfield Student government students raising hands in the air in joy

Students at Clearfield High School donated pennies, dollars and dimes and gathered donations during their annual "Falcons are Fabulous" fundraising event. 

This year, the funds raised will go toward supporting an adaptable playground for South Clearfield Elementary, right across the street!

Principal from South Clearfield Elementary is shocked at the amount of the donation checkThe event culminated in a festive, competitive and joy-filled assembly where students participated in everything from throwing cream pies, to shaving heads, to bidding on administrator parking spots and a variety of other fun, unique items.

A remarkable $104,291.05 was raised, and the Falcons have once again shown their incredible spirit and generosity. The entire school community came together to make a difference, and we couldn’t be prouder of their effort.

Congratulations, Falcons. You are Fabulous!