District and Community Resources for Career Support

Pre- and Post-High Career Services

Counselors, CTE educators, Special Educators and Career Coaches can help students connect with some of the following pre- and post-high resources. Students who use these resources now are more likely to find well-paying jobs in the future. 



Parents who need coaching for their students about transition. Students can get personalized career guidance and exploration with help of career coach. CTE programs directly connect students with internships, early college credits, and industry-recognized Certifications before they graduate high school. Coaching slots currently filled- leave us a message in the content box and we will let you know future availability. 

The district has career interest areas narrowed into pathways to help students refine their focus and best support them towards the career paths they want to explore. 

YouScience: Discover Your Talents

The YouScience Profile is designed to help students leverage your aptitudes, those natural abilities you were born with. The YouScience Profile is the only online platform that measures aptitudes and interests and then matches them to majors and careers that fit each student best. Knowing a student's aptitudes empowers them to make some of life’s biggest decisions confidently! 

Keys to Success

Keys to Success is an accessible tool, to help students discover, connect to, and endeavor to achieve future possibilities.  College and Career Readiness tool that provides resources for individuals on their own personal path to success. The Keys to Success program is a student and user-first initiative.



The Catalyst Center is the place where innovation, collaboration and education meet. Our CTE magnet school brings Davis School District students, local businesses, and industry mentors together.  The Catalyst Center is part of the nationally recognized CAPS Network (Center for Advanced Professional Studies). CAPS students fast-forward to their future careers. Students are fully immersed in a professional culture where they develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by working in collaborative groups to complete real-world projects while being mentored by industry partners.

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning experiences allow students to see how classroom instruction connects to the world of work and future career opportunities. Experiences include, but are not limited to apprenticeships, career fairs, field trips, guest speakers, job shadows, and student internships.  

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent Enrollment

In Concurrent Enrollment (CE) classes, students earn both college and high school credit for the same high school course. These rigorous college-level courses may be taken during junior and senior year and are a great way to experience real-world application and college level classes. For college-bound students, CE classes get students started on their college transcript while in high school. For students who do not intend to go to college, CE classes lead to credit at technical colleges and may lead to certifications.

Dept of Workforce Services

Department of Workforce Services has career counseling and funding for education costs to help. They also have services for individuals with disabilities such as vocational rehabilitation, and programs for the deaf and hard of hearing, and blind and visually impaired.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational Rehabilitation counselors in Centerville provide eligible IEP and 504 students as they transition from school to adult life. 

Utah Parent Center

The Utah Parents Center provides support to parents wanting to help their children, youth and young adults with all disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community.

DTC in High School

Davis Technology College (Davis Tech) provides high school students opportunity to experience COLLEGE level learning. They offer a variety of certificate programs including, careers in the following areas: business and technology, construction, health professions, manufacturing, service professions and transportation.

Vista Education Campus

Vista is a campus provides an individualized, student-centered environment for 18 to 22-year-old students to help them gain the skills they need to become as independent as possible.  IEP goals at Vista focus on the transition needs of every student.

University Disability Services

Disability Services can help students with disabilities identify cooperative education opportunities. These placements are closely coordinated with appropriate academic departments on campus enabling students to receive college credit for work performed. Our office also works with various external agencies to locate potential work experience and opportunities for our students.

Pro tip for IEP, 504 AND Special populations students

If you are a high school student planning to use accommodations, in concurrent enrollment, at Davis Tech, or in any other post high setting, you are considered an adult in these classes, and you must request accommodations.

DSD Transition Fair - A Parent's Perspective

Directions to the WSU Davis Campus

Weber State University Davis, 2750 University Park Blvd, Layton, UT 84041