March 10, 2025 Transportation Professional Development Meeting 7:00-1:00 F-2
Students being transported on a District school bus are under the authority of the bus driver and are subject to the expectations and regulations of the District’s Student Conduct and Discipline Policy. Students who refuse to promptly follow the directions of the driver or refuse to follow the expectations and regulations may forfeit their privilege to ride the bus.
Students must be on time for the bus both morning and afternoon. In the morning, students should be at the stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled pickup time. Buses will leave the school in the afternoon seven (7) minutes after the last bell has rung.
Students must remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Students should cross in front of the bus. When crossing the street is necessary, students should wait until the bus driver signals that it is safe to cross before entering a roadway.
Students are not to extend their hands, arms, or heads through the windows. The bus driver or assistant will determine when it is appropriate to open and close the windows.
Students must follow the directions of the bus driver concerning bus operations including seating assignments, boarding and exiting methods, acceptable behavior, etc.
Only eligible students may ride the bus. Students are required to board and alight only the bus they are assigned to at their designated bus stop.
Loud, vulgar, lewd, suggestive, or abusive language and gestures are prohibited.
The emergency door(s) or windows shall be opened and utilized ONLY in case of an emergency.
Evacuation drills are conducted twice annually and include practice using emergency exits. Students are expected to participate and adhere to driver instructions.
Students are required to respect district property including school buses. Damage to seats, improper disposal of trash, etc. is not appropriate behavior and will be disciplined accordingly. Guardians are responsible for financial duties resulting from damage to property.
All student belongings must remain on a student’s lap and not encroach on a neighboring seat nor obscure the driver’s view of the bus interior. For the safety of all students, no item shall be carried on the bus which creates a hazard to any other student, including but not limited to live animals, skateboards, scooters, sports equipment, glass objects, school projects, large instruments, etc.
Students may not engage in any form of bullying. Bullying found to be based on a protected class is further prohibited by the district’s nondiscrimination policy.
In the unlikely event of a collision or other emergency, students may not be released from the scene. Students will be dropped off ONLY at their assigned bus stops after the bus is released by local authorities.
EXPECTATION #1 Listen to all adults on the bus.
EXPECTATION #2 Remain in your seat.
EXPECTATION #3 Keep hands and items to yourself. Respect people and property.
EXPECTATION #4 Use an inside voice at all times.
EXPECTATION # 5 Everything on the bus stays in the bus.