Hope Week - Nov. 18 - 22
Monday: Barbie Day!
Come dressed as a Barbie or a Ken 😊
Tuesday: Inside-Out (the movie) Day
Come dressed as your favorite emotion
Wednesday: Wear Yellow or Orange
(suicide prevention colors)
Thursday: Movie Character Day
Come dressed as a favorite movie character
Friday: Oldies but Goodies
(dress like a granny or gramps)

140 Students had no tardies first term. CONGRATULATIONS! No tardy party will be Nov. 15 at 2:50. Full list of names can be found here: https://davisschooldistrictut.sites.thrillshare.com/o/sdjr/page/recognition

Panda Express: PTA Fundraiser to provide support to teachers, students, and staff through its various programs.
Se donará el 20% de las ventas 20% of event sales will be donated
Martes, noviembre 12, 2024 Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Todo el día: 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM Time: 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM

A big thanks to our SDJH PTA for an awesome Red Ribbon week. We started with a great assembly where students heard from Red Barn Academy on how to succeed in life and overcome challenges. Students then had a week of fun with games, prizes, and commitments. So proud of our Spartans! #GoSpartans

Congratulations to our Boys Basketball team for their win yesterday against Centerville Junior High. They worked hard and came out with the win! #GoSpartans!

Congratulations to our October Student of the Months part 2! We are so proud of our Spartans for Being Considerate, Seeking Growth, Being Resilient, and Taking Ownership. #GoSpartans!

Congratulations to our October Student of the Months! We are so proud of our Spartans for Being Considerate, Seeking Growth, Being Resilient, and Taking Ownership. #GoSpartans!

Congratulations to our Performing Arts Department for their great fundraiser show. Thanks to Mrs. Larsen, Mrs. Klunker, Mr. Erickson, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Ballard, Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. Jolley, and all our students for their hard work!!! #GoSpartans

Ribbon Week - October 28-31
October 28 - Red - Be Drug Free
October 29 - Green - Healthy Living
October 30 - Yellow - You Matter
October 31 - White - Cyber Security

Beginning Band Concert - October 30 6 p.m. in the SDJH gym.

Way to go Mrs. Larsen and all her students, they had an awesome Fall Concert tonight! They worked hard and sounded awesome! #GoSpartans!
Make sure to join us for the Annual Performing Arts Fundraiser Concert on Monday, Oct. 28th at 7:00pm at WX.

World Bosses Day - October 16, 2024
Thank you Mr. Jolley, Mrs. Christensen, and Mrs. Beckstead!

PTA Fundraiser - Zupas - October 23, 4 - 9 pm
25% of purchase will be donated to SDJH

Boys Basketball Pep Rally was a success! Thanks to the SBOs, cheerleaders, Madrigals, and the Boys BB team for all the fun! Good Luck at your season boys! #GoSpartans

Congratulations to Mrs. Klunker and her Orchestra classes. They had an awesome concert today! Way to show off your talent and hard work!! #GoSpartans!

Join, Support SDJH PTA

PTA Fundraiser - October 10 at Mod pizza
https://5il.co/2x83w - Hax que crezca la Masa details
https://5il.co/2x83x -Raise some dough details

National STS Professional Day - Sept. 17. Thank you Mr. Chamberlain and Miss Chamberlain for all your help with our computers, programs, and all things IT!

Another win for our Ladies Spartans!!! They won both sets over Legacy Jr. Congrats to our jv team as well for their win!! GO SPARTANS!!

Congrats to our Lady Spartans for winning their Volleyball game today versus Kaysville. They fought hard and won in three games!! Go Spartans!!