March 25th will be the Pre-ACT test for the 9th graders. The 7th and 8th graders will follow the A/B day schedule.
about 8 hours ago, Kaysville Junior High
march25th a/b day schdule for 7th and 8th graders 1st period 8:15 - 9:00 Am 2nd period 9:05 - 9:50 AM 3rd period 9:55 - 10:40 AM 4th period 10:45 - 11:30 AM 1st lunch 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM 5th period 12:05 - 12:50 PM 5th period 11:35 AM - 12:20 PM 2nd lunch 12:20 - 12:50 PM 6th period 12:55 - 1:35 PM 7th period 1:40 - 2:20 PM 8th period 2:25 - 3:00 PM
Just a notification that we will be donating all lost and found clothing at Spring Break. The lost and found items can be found in the cafeteria. Please remind your student to check for any missing items in our lost and found bin prior to Spring Break.
4 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
Our NJHS food drive has begun! We are accepting donations of clean clothes and shoes in good condition from March 13 - April 18th.
5 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of clothes in a cardboard box with the word donate on it njhs clothing and shoes drive march 13th - april 18th donations will help families in northern utah drop off donations to bins by the office, room 209 or 227. thank you for your support clean clothes and shoes in good condition sizes newborn to adult.
Congratulations to our March Knight of the Month Students! They were selected by the Fine and Performing Arts Departments.
5 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of kjh knight logo holding sword March Knight of the month students the following students were selected by the fine and perfomring arts department: Simeon Cook Heber Doxey Rafaella Gonzalez lydia lau julia matthews reial phongsavath eric shaw congratulations!
Don't forget it's our Spirit Night at Kneaders tonight, 5 - 8 PM! Don't forget to mention KJH when ordering.
11 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
SBO Mandatory Parent Meeting today, March 4th, at 4:00 pm, in room 105. This meeting is for parents and students interested in being SBOs for the 2025-26 school year.
13 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
Track Conditioning Dates, begins at 3:15 pm: Monday, 3/3 Wednesday, 3/5 Friday, 3/7 Tuesday, 3/11 Wednesday, 3/12 Friday, 3/14 Track officially begins on March 17th.
13 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
PTSA Kneaders Spirit Night, Thursday, March 6th from 5 - 8 pm. Please mention KJH when ordering!
19 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
images of cakes with strawberries, cupcakes, donuts, pies, heart shaped cookies KJH Spirit Night Kneaders bakery & cafe thursday march 6th 5 pm - 8 pm kaysville kneaders 20 % of sales go to KJh *must mention KJH
Please make sure course requests are submitted by Friday, February 28th. to the counseling office.
24 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of apples, pencils and calendar with a red arrow pointing at the 28th 2025-2026 registration course request forms must be completed and submitted to the school counseling office by Friday, February 28th.
KJH Beanies for sale! You can help the cheerleaders and get a cute beanie! You can purchase them at the link below.
27 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of 3 beanies with the KJH Knights logo knight holding a sword with Knights underneath.  The color of the beanies are gray, black, and white. KJH Beanies for salethe chearrleaders are selling embroidered KJH beanies to raise money for new cheer mats! They are only $25 each and a re super nice. You can choose from three colors: gray, black, or white. Supplies are limited, so act fast.  You can purchase the beanies at the link below
Join the Hope Squad for cup stacking on February 20th at lunch!
28 days ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a cup of hot cocoa on with whipped cream on top and a bar of chocolate sitting on the saucer. Presented to the Hope Squad have a cup of kindness february 20. come join us at lunch for some cup stacking games.
Track Mandatory Parent Meeting February 19th @ 4:30 PM in the KJH gym.
about 1 month ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of runners from the knee down on a road.  track mandatory parent mtg. February 19th at 4:30 PM in the KJH Gym
Digital Citizenship Week is coming up, the PTA will have quizzes posted around the school. Students who participate in the daily quizzes will be entered into a drawing for gift cards.
about 1 month ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of logos for gift cards listed. Digital Citizenship week get informed = win gift cards how to win each day this week fill out the quiz by the cafeteria submit your correct answers in the box. listen for your name in the drawing of the end of each day. monday chick-fil-a tuesday fiiz wednesday barnes & Noble thursday starbucks friday amazon
Digital Citizenship Week is February 10 - 14. Here are some concepts and ideas to help student have excellent digital citizenship.
about 1 month ago, Kaysville Junior High
images of keyboard, person on a laptop digital citizenship be in control of your digital life media balance & well-being set screen free time and screen free zones each day use technology more intentionally. for example, set notifications or timers to turn apps off before bed. privacy & security learn and understand how to use privacy settings on your apps learn and understand what info to keep private and why. identify strategies for protecting your privacy online. digital footprint understand what this is and how everything you do online can impact your footprint and others. explore ways to use technology to advance interests, goals, and for the good in the communication how do you engage and interact with others online? Words have consequences. Understand what position online communication looks and feels like. Practice strategies for healthy relationships online and off. Cyberbullying and digital drama understand cyberbullying and it's impact. Practice ways to stop cyberbullying and online hate take breaks, step away.
Vocal Auditions (except Show Choir) will take place on February 18th and 19th after school. Contact Mr. Simon if interested. Show Choir Auditions will take place on February 19th between 8:30 - 9:30 AM in the gym. Contact Mr. Simon if you are interested.
about 1 month ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of red curtains and a microphone with a flashing light sign. All vocal auditions all auditions (except show choir) will be February 18th and 19th after school. Contact Mr.Simon if interested. Show choir show choir auditions will be Feb. 19th, 8:30 - 9:30 AM in the gym. Contact Mr.Simon if interested. Kaysville Junior High
Help support our wrestling team! You can donate here:
about 1 month ago, Kaysville Junior High
kjh wrestling fundraiser we have a fantastic group of wrestlers this year. Please help support them by contributing to their funding. Your contributions will provide necessary equipment, competition fees, culture cultivating, and fun! We would love to see you at our competitions as well. This truly is a strong team with big goals and they are looking forward to sharing their 2025 season with you! Donate at
Thank you to our School Counselors! You are the best and we appreciate all you do for our school!
about 2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of monstera deliciosa leaves and ivy National School Counseling Week February 3 - 7 Thank you for all you do!
7th Grade open house for 6th grade students who will attend KJH next year! Thursday, February 6th from 5:45 - 7:00 PM.
about 2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a child knight in armor riding a horse 7th grade open house for 6th grade students who will attend KJH next year and their parents. Thursday, February 6 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. Come learn about the programs, classes, and opportunities available at KJH.  Submit your completed course request form for 7th grade. Note: registration packets will be given to students at their elementary school prior to the open house.
Candy Grams begin on January 27th - February 14th. Buy at lunch for students or online at
about 2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of balloon hearts and read and pink heart garland KJH Candy Grams! January 27th - February 14th Purchase candy grams at lunch for students or online
Congratulations to our January Knight of the Month Students! They were selected by the CTE Department. Thank you for being outstanding students!
about 2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of knight logo holding sword inside a cirlce outlined with Kaysville Knights January Knight of the month students the following students were selected by the cte department: james teare chancie cunningham traysten fenner maci riley dakota brown congratulations!!