Girls Basketball tryouts are coming! There is an open gym on Thursday mornings at
6 - 7:30 am.

Come to our Harvest Ball! Bring 3 cans of food to get in and help our NJHS food drive. Tickets can be purchased online at the link. https://dsdgive.net/event/5384

Sub for Santa will go from November 4th through December 6th. Help us help our community!

It's been over 12 years since our Cheer Team has gone to competition! Help them get there this year by donating to their fundraiser. Click on the QR code or go to the link below to donate. Thank you!

Wear school colors to the game on 10/31/24 and cheer on our Boys Basketball team!
9th grade - black
8th grade - red
7th grade - white

Starting Wednesdays in November, the PTA will be running Kaysville Corner, our school store.

Wear pink on October 22nd to support Breast Cancer Awareness month and to support our Boys Basketball team at their game at 3:15 pm.

Come support the KJH band at the KJH Band Fundraiser Wednesday, Oct. 16th, at 6:00 PM, at The Kaysville Theater. Tickets are $5 or you can donate. Click on the link below to purchase tickets.

PTA Reflections 2024-25, Accepting Imperfection. Learn more and enter at https://www.utahpta.org/ref

Just a reminder about the MLKJ Speech Contest being held in the KJH Library Monday, 10/14/24, at 3:05 PM.

KJH is having a taco/churro truck for National Hispanic Heritage Month on Oct. 14-15th at lunch. Students who are currently enrolled in DeHart's Spanish class will receive a ticket for either a free taco or a free churro. Students not enrolled in Spanish are welcome to partake of the taco truck goodness, they just need to bring cash or a credit card to purchase their meal.

Congratulations to Norah Sunderland, our Volleyball Athlete of the Week!

Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held Monday, September 30th at 3:15 pm in the KJH gym.

Kaysville Fire and Police Departments came and played against one of our 9th grade PE classes. The 9th graders WON!

Congrats to Demi Traveller, our volleyball Athlete of the Week!

KJH is celebrating 30 years of Knight Trek on October 26 at 9:00 AM, registration is $20 per person. You can register for the race and/or also make a donation of any size. The money will be used towards Emergency Preparedness Supplies for KJH. Register at this link, https://dsdgive.net/event/4991

Kaysville Junior and Davis School District are having a Martin Luther King Jr. Speech Contest. Kaysville Junior will have their Speech Contest on Monday, October 14th at 3:05 pm in the KJH Library.
Please see the Kaysville Knights Library Page for more details regarding this event.

Come to Costa Vida on September 26th for our PTSA Spirit Night! 20% of proceeds go to KJH! 4 pm - close.

Congratulations to Hannah Pulley our Volleyball Athlete of the Week!

Get Math, English and Science homework help in the library, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4:15. Knight Discovery will not be held on Parent Teacher Conference days.