Hope Day is Thursday, January 23rd! Join the Hope Squad at lunch for snowman bowling!
about 2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of two big and one small snowman wearing scarves and hats. There is snowbody like you ! January 23 join us for snowman bowling at lunch sponsored by the Hope Squad
The Cafe Zupa Spirit Night is tonight! 4 - 9 PM at the Station Park Cafe Zupas.
2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of a plate of food and a person holding a fork, a canned drink and a chocolate covered strawberry on a napkinKaysville Junior High Date & Time Wednesday, January 15 4pm - 9pm location 262 Central Ave. Farmington, UT many ways to earn up to 25% for your organization: in restaurant just let the cashier know you are there for the fundraiser. Online or in--app turn on the fundraiser switch at checkout.  image of a qr code scan here and order with the app!
Wednesday, January 15th is our PTSA Spirit Night at the Station Park Cafe Zupas. Come between 4 - 9 PM to help benefit our school.
2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of a chocolate covered strawberry fundraiser night help us earn up to 25% back! In restaurant just let the chashier know you are there for the fundraiser. Online or in-app turn on the fundraiser switch at checkout. 4 - 9 pm @ cafe zupas
KJH Spirit Night at the Station Park Cafe Zupas, Wednesday January 15th from 4 - 9 PM. Mention KJH when ordering and a percentage of the proceeds will go towards our school.
2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of chocolate covered strawberry. cafe zupas percentage of sales go to KJH! Kaysville Junior High's Spirit Night cafe zupas wednesday january 15th from 4 - 9 pm cafe zupas station park. please mention KJH when ordering.
We will be having a Device Tech Check on January 9th during KIT. This is to ensure laptops and chargers are working properly after Winter break.
2 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a laptop opened on a spherical plain. Student tech check January 9 tech check during KIT. Please remind student to bring laptop please have student bring charger cord
School will resume on January 7th. Enjoy your Holidays!
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
mage of pine boughs with snow and a snow covered ground with a snowflake. Enjoy Winter Break December 23 - January 6th school resumes on January 7th.
The performances of Matilda will be January 13 - 16th, at 7:00 PM in the KJH gym. Updated link coming soon.
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image description an purple shadow of a girl standing on a swing with capital and lowercase letters around her. Kaysville Junior High Presents Matilda January 13th - 16th Tickets at dsdgive.net
School ends at 1:00 PM on Friday, December 20th. 2nd semester and 3rd term will begin on January 7th
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of wrapped presents, snow hats, gold christmas trees, snowflakes and stars. Friday december 20th early out schedule (1:00 PM) 5th period 8:15 -9:15 AM 6th Period 9:20 - 10:20 AM 7th Period 10:25 - 11:25 Am 8th Period 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Dismissed
Join the Hope Squad at lunch for a fun activity on December 17th!
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of pine trees decorated with bulbs and with a star on top. with snowflakes in the top two corners. hope your holidays are merry and bright December 17th 2024. come join us for a fun activity at lunch! *sponsored by the hope squad*
Please take note of our assembly schedule for Friday, December 13th, especially if you have students who have home release.
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a string of Christmas lights surrounding text with a red background. December 13th music assembly schedule 1st assembly: 8:15 - 9:15 am 1st period 9:15 - 10:30 am 1st period 8:15 - 9:30 am 2nd assembly 9:30 - 10:30 AM 2nd period 10:30 - 11:50 am 1st lunch: 11:50-12:20 pm 3rd period 12:25 - 1:40pm 3rd period 11:55 - 1:10 PM 2nd lunch 1:10 - 1:40 pm 4th period 1:45 - 3:00 Pm no kit
Congratulations to our December Knight of the Month Students! These students were selected by the Science Department.
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of kaysville knights logo knight in a circle pointing a sword.  December Knight of the month students the following students were selected by the Science Department: Colton Cael Kirstyn Fackrell Bradley Fixmer Payton Jillian Kingston Harrison McMurdie Congratulations!
Our Winter Art Show will be on display December 17 & 18, from 3 - 6 PM, in the KJH Library. Come view the talent of our students!
3 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of snowflakes with teal blue background Kaysville Jr High Visual Arts Present Winter Art Show Tuesday, December 17 & Wednesday, December 18 3 - 6 pm both days KJH library
A-G - Mr. Brown - kjbrown@dsdmail.net H-O - Ms. VanDyke - yvandyke@dsdmail.net P-Z - Mrs. Erickson - meerickson@dsdmail.net
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a calendar for the month of December with Wednesday, December 18 circled in red. schedule changes for 2nd semester must be requested by  Wednesday, December 18th. Email or call your student's school counselor. $10 class change fee.
Come eat yummy tacos and help our school. KJH Spirit Night at Taco Time, Wednesday, December 4th from 5 - 8 pm.
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of two smiling tacos Kaysville Jr. High School's spirit night at tacotime wednesday december 4th from 5 - 8 pm Kaysville taco time 10 % of sales go toward our school!
Congratulation to our November Knight of the Month Students! Thank you for being amazing.
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
November Knight of the Month students the following students were selected by the Counselors, Foreign Language & PE departments: James Bateman, Sailor Benson, Junior Hernandez, Bridger Holland, Manuel Olvera, Brooklyn Stone Congratulations!
A little late, but Congratulations to our October Knight of the Month Students! Thank you for being amazing!
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of KJH Knight logo october Knight of the month students the following students were selected by the Social Studies Department: Gia Arrowsmith brynnlee bonner, lexie cutler, rylan fenner, drew henderson congratulations!
Compete against the other KIT classes. Winning class will receive a treat from the SBOs.
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a pink megaphone with bubble and text inside says $1 sub 4 santa day tuesday, nov. 19 Kit Class that brings the most $Dollar Bills Wins! Winning class will receive a treat from the SBOs.
Girls Basketball Fundraiser. Multiple apparel options available. Go to this link to donate and see apparel options. https://dsdgive.net/event/5394
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a crew neck sweatshirt that has half a basketball and knights basketball underneath. show your kaysville pride by purchasing some swag. multiple options for color, logos and apparel available. go to this link to see all the options available. https://dsdgive.net/event/5394 KJH Girls basketball fundraiser
National School Psychology Week, November 11 - 15th.
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a heart in a text box and outline of flowers with a blue background. Thank you to our school psychologists and support staff national psychology week
The girls' basketball team bought some new basketballs for the season, which means it's out with the old, in with the new. Because we want these to go to a great home where they will be used, you can purchase one of our used Wilson Evolution basketballs, for the price of only $20 per ball. We will only be selling 10, as we replace them with the new ones, so first come first served. Only one per family please. Enter your contact info and Coach Christine Taylor will get in contact with you, to give you your "new to you" basketball. Go to the link to purchase. https://dsdgive.net/event/5398
4 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of a basketball with brown and black rectangles kjh girls bball used basketball sale https://dsdgive.net/event/5398