Boo to the Flu will be at KJH during Parent Teacher Conferences. September 18th from 4:00 - 7:00 pm September 19th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm
6 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Boo to the Flu flyer Say Boo to the Flu Get vaccinated against the flu at your school's on-site Say Boo to the Flu clinic! CNS is able to bill the following insurances (No Copay): Aetna, All Savers, Ameriben, Anthem/Blue Cross, Cigna, Direct Care Administrators, DMBA, EMI, GEHA, Health Utah, HealthEZ, Healthwest, Imagine Health, MailHandlers, Meritan, Molina, Molina Marketplace, Oxford Health, PEHP, Select Health, Tall Tree Administrators, Town & Country, Tricare, United Health Care, UUHP/U of U Health, UMR, WISE Network, CHIP, Medicaid, Medicare, Part B, & most Medicare Advantage Plans. Reduced & no-cost Flu vaccines will be available to individuals & FaMilies who are uninsured & unable to pay. Partnering with your school to protect against the flu.
Congratulations to Hillary Evans, our Volleyball Athlete of the Week! Week of September 5th.
6 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of two volleyballs with white and red background. Athlete of the Week. Congratulations to Hillary Evans! Kaysville Junior High Volleyball
Hope Week is September 9 - 13th! Come support our Hope Squad by following the schedule on the flyer and participating in the activities at lunch!
6 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Hope Week flyer blue clouds with a duck billed platypus September 9th - 13th Monday be kind dress up in Disney ! Fill out Acts of Kindness! Tuesday Belong Wear Yellow! Sign the suicide pledge! Wednesday Be brave wear red, white, and blue play tag at lunch! Thursday Be you wear your favorite things! Play musical statues! Friday be there for others zoom day outfits! (Fancy on top, PJs on bottom) scavenger hunt all day! Sponsored by the Hope Squad
Congratulations to Olivia Snoke, our Athlete of the Week! #kaysvillevolleyball
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of two volleyballs with white and red background. Athlete of the Week. Congratulations to Olivia Snoke! Kaysville Junior High Volleyball
Back to School Assembly and Volleyball Pep Rally, Friday, August 23rd. *Please take note of the adjusted schedule, for Friday, August 23rd, especially if you have a student with home release.
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
flyer with KJH Knight logo knight holding a sword and shield. KJH Assembly Schedule Friday, August 23 During 1st period (1st period will end later to accommodate the two assemblies.) 1st period: 8:15-10:30 AM 2nd period: 10:35-11:50 AM 1st Lunch: 11:50 - 12:20 PM 3rd Period 12:25-1:40 pm 3rd period: 11:55-1:10 pm 2ndh lunch: 1:10 - 1:40 pm 4th period 1:45 - 3:00 pm NO KIT
Get your KJH "U-Knighted Spirit Shirt today! Scan the QR code or use the link below. Shirts are available for order until September 15th.
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of black t-shirt with the words "U-Knighted" over crossing swords. Get your Spirit Shirt today! QR code and $20
Come join National Junior Honor Society! Available to all 8th and 9th grade students with a 3.5 GPA or higher and no U's. Please copy and paste the link to sign up.
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
National Junior Honor Society for 2024-25 flyer blue background with image of paper cutout heads. QR code is included. To all current 8th & 9th graders: if you have a 3.5 GPA or higher, no U's and like to serve others, we would love to have you join us. Scan the QR  code or email Mrs. Wilkinson or Mrs. Burton for the application link.
Donate to the KJH Social Studies Department! The funds will be used to purchase classroom activity learning materials. Use the link provided to donate.
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Flyer for Social Studies Fundraiser Image of KJH Knights logo Donate to the KJH Social studies department donate funds used to purchase classroom activity supplies
Updated Spirit Shirt Link. Order before September 15th. Spirit Shirts are $20
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of a black t-shirt U-Knighted over two swords crossed
Boys Basketball Camp August 5-7. 1-3 pm at KJH Gym. Click link to sign up.
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Boys Basketball Camp Flyer Image of Knight Kaysville JR High Boys Basketball Camp Augus 5th - 7th 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm All incoming 7-9th graders are invited. Fee $40 per person Location: KJH Gym all proceeds go towards supplies connected to camp and KJH Boys Basketball For questions about camp contact Brent @ 801-866-4773
Girls Basketball Camp! August 7-9th, 8-10 am KJH Gym Click on the link to sign up!
7 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Image of basketball Girls Basketball Camp August 7-9th 8-10 am Kaysville Jr High registration fee $50 player fee will be paid online at myDSD. Fee will be used for a t-shirt and snacks during the camp. Questions? Email
PTSA Pool Party at Cherry Hill Friday, August 16th, 6-8 pm
8 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of sun and blue sky Back to school pool party at cherry hill August 16th 6 pm to 8 pm $12 each person come to the KJH Ptsa table outside the mini golf area to pay, and get your wristband
Back to School Night August 13th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
8 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of Kaysville Junior High
KJH Summer office hours June - July 10:00 am - 2:00 pm August 8:00 am - 3:00 pm The main office will be closed on July 24th
8 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of kaysville knight logo
8th and 9th grade device checkout. August 9th 8 :00 - 9:30 am 8th grade 9:30 - 11:00 am 9th grade
8 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of notebooks, globe, and pencils 8th and 9th grade device checkout. 8th grade 8-9:30 am 9th grade 9:30-11:00 am
7th Grade Rally!! August 8th
8 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
image of kaysville knight 7TH Grade rally Students and Parents/Guardians will rotate through three different groups and receive important information about the school. 1. Meet with KJH Counselors. 2. Meet with KJH Administration. 3. Receive their student laptop. THURSDAY AUGUST 8, 2024 @ KAYSVILLE JR. HIGH Based on Elementary previously attended WHAT IS IT? For all 7th graders and new students! SCHEDULE 8:30 - 10:00 - Burton Elementary 10:00 - 11:30 - Columbia and Kaysville Elementaries 11:30 - 1:00 - Windridge Elementary & and all other new students *Due to limited space, students and one parent/guardian only
Kaysville Junior High School
10 months ago, Kaysville Junior High
Front fo KJH School