Boo to the Flu will be at KJH during Parent Teacher Conferences.
September 18th from 4:00 - 7:00 pm
September 19th from 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Congratulations to Hillary Evans, our Volleyball Athlete of the Week! Week of September 5th.

Hope Week is September 9 - 13th! Come support our Hope Squad by following the schedule on the flyer and participating in the activities at lunch!

Congratulations to Olivia Snoke, our Athlete of the Week!

Back to School Assembly and Volleyball Pep Rally, Friday, August 23rd.
*Please take note of the adjusted schedule, for Friday, August 23rd, especially if you have a student with home release.

Get your KJH "U-Knighted Spirit Shirt today! Scan the QR code or use the link below. Shirts are available for order until September 15th.

Come join National Junior Honor Society! Available to all 8th and 9th grade students with a 3.5 GPA or higher and no U's. Please copy and paste the link to sign up.

Donate to the KJH Social Studies Department! The funds will be used to purchase classroom activity learning materials. Use the link provided to donate.

Updated Spirit Shirt Link. Order before September 15th. Spirit Shirts are $20

Boys Basketball Camp August 5-7. 1-3 pm at KJH Gym.
Click link to sign up. https://dsdgive.net/event/4789

Girls Basketball Camp! August 7-9th, 8-10 am KJH Gym
Click on the link to sign up! https://dsdgive.net/event/4788

PTSA Pool Party at Cherry Hill
Friday, August 16th, 6-8 pm

Back to School Night
August 13th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm

KJH Summer office hours
June - July 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
August 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
The main office will be closed on July 24th

8th and 9th grade device checkout. August 9th
8 :00 - 9:30 am 8th grade
9:30 - 11:00 am 9th grade

7th Grade Rally!! August 8th

Kaysville Junior High School